Is it Time for Your Blog to Start Giving Back?

blogThere comes a time in every blogger’s life when you wonder if it’s time to take your blog to the next level. Are you ready to start monetizing your blog? Even if you don’t pay for web hosting, you put a lot of time and effort into it. Has your blog matured enough to start giving you a return on that investment?

Content, Content, Content

The goal for your blog should be to share your stories and experiences with other moms and moms-to-be, not to turn it into a money-making operation. Before you can get some lasting return on your work, you have to fill your pages with words your readers will love.

Do you have enough material to keep an interested reader on the site for an hour or two? The best way to get long-term income on a blog is by making relationships with your readers who come back for more, week after week.


The busier your blog becomes, the more bandwidth it will use every day. According to, web hosting companies sell hosting packages according to the amount of bandwidth they provide.

The ideal scenario is unlimited bandwidth, of course, but make sure your blog is hosted on a site that offers the most amount of bandwidth possible to avoid having to pay extra fees if you go over your limit.

Are You Optimized?

SEO. Keywords. Optimization. If these words are foreign to you, you’re missing out on lots of traffic to your blog and lots of potential income. It may seem complicated, but the entire process is simply the way to write your blog posts in order to allow the most readers to find them.

People search Google for certain phrases. If 100 people a day search for “fighting twins,” while only 13 search for “arguing twins,” your site will get shown to more readers if you use the phrase “fighting twins” in your post.

You should never turn your blog posts into pieces of spam that are only written in order to stuff more keywords onto the page. However, there are ways to change the wording of any post, get a better result on Google and never change the meaning of your words.

Social Media

Almost everyone is familiar with Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites, but are you using them to the best advantage to increase your blog’s audience? Presenting one uniform face across the Internet is known as branding, and it’s how people start connecting you with your work.

Become the familiar face that’s tied to your blog topic, and readers will begin to look to you when they have questions in your niche. Whether it’s cooking with kids, dealing with twins or being pregnant at 40, use the topic whenever you post on any social media site. Your blog should have its own Facebook page, Twitter account, Pinterest page and even an Instagram account. Find more readers and make more income by using social media smartly.

About the author: Albert Lester teaches economics and business at his local high school. He blogs about business, finance, teaching and the economy in his spare time.


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