Business Email and the Importance of Security

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One of the most important factors in creating a successful business is ensuring that employees have access to a quick, secure an trustworthy means of communication.

For a considerable number of years now, this means of communication has been through email and online exchanges have become the normal way to exchange ideas, information and data.

Digital threats on the rise

However, with the threat of online crime and theft growing as malicious attacks become more and more sophisticated, the protection of sensitive information being transmitted via email has become more complex. This said, there are a number of things organisations can do to ensure that their email systems remain secure.

Passwords are the first line of defense

Email security begins with ensuring that employees understand the importance of proper passwords and how to create one that is strong and tough to crack. Weak passwords are a serious security concern and anyone using basic, short or unoriginal combinations could be asking for trouble.

For security’s sake, try and keep passwords relatively long, don’t use obvious personal information and make use of both letters and numbers. Passwords are the first line of defence against unwanted intrusion and, though they won’t keep everyone out on their own, should be taken seriously.

Software and encryption

Businesses also need to ensure that they have specific email security software in place to deal with the vast array of security issues that arise with online communications. This is particularly true when using email migratory systems, such as MS Office 365, or cloud email services. In both these cases, Mimecast services for Office 365 can be used to achieve a great deal of security.

As a lot of important business, personal and transactional data will be moving between various email accounts, it is also important to consider how you can encrypt any sensitive data. Security professionals will be able to offer a number of different encryption possibilities and help you establish a more secure communications network.

Limit personal communication

Finally, businesses should also implement clear policies as to exactly what work emails should and should not be used for. Not only does this keep the company networks clear of personal communication and limit the amount of unnecessary clutter in work inboxes, but it can also help reduce exposure to dangerous elements often found in spam and chain emails. Making it clear that work emails should not be used for personal affairs will always help minimise this risk.


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