Driving with Google Glass: Safety Utility or Death Trap?

Car on roadWill Google Glass save your life or will it go rogue and become the next Hal 9000? Google Glass has sparked a lively debate among legislatures — is it safe to use while driving?

Google Glass creates a display over your field of vision. While driving, use it to project maps and other useful information while on the road. Proponents of the system claim it will reduce overall distraction levels, whereas critics believe it will be just another device that distracts your attention.

Voice Systems

A 2013 AAA study revealed that voice recognition systems actually proved to be more distracting than the systems they were designed to replace. Current voice technology is so unpredictable. Drivers spend significant amounts of brain power trying to be understood by the vehicle and listening for a response. Google Glass could just be the best of two evils.

Car Manufacturers

Many luxury and sports vehicles already feature a heads-up display projected on the windshield, as noted by GeekWire. This display typically displays dashboard information, such as speed and RPM, but it still operates on the same principle as Google Glass. The vehicle technology is designed for driving faster than 100 mph, and it should be safe for commuter vehicles going 60 mph — luxury vehicles are known to be safer than other cars. Google Glass could potentially be less obtrusive because users do not have to shift their heads to view it.

New Mechanic

Many cars are now run by computer systems tracking potential issues. Digital Trends speculates this technology could be integrated with Google Glass to alert drivers of forthcoming hazards. This type of diagnostic tool has the potential to prevent accidents.

Driverless Car

In 2012, The New York Times reported Google had received permission from the state of California to test their revolutionary new product — the driverless car. Should Google introduce this vehicle to the consumer market, the argument will become irrelevant. While the driverless car isn’t projected to enter the market until later in the decade, the Google Glass product also won’t be available until 2014.

Driving Apps

The Google Glass system has an open development kit for developing applications. Driving apps could easily be created to detect hazards in the road or even to call emergency personnel. Insurance applications can collect claim information. Replaying a video from the incident to prove who was at fault is also a projected app feature.

Drivers can even rely on Google Glass to learn about vehicle pricing and analysis while purchasing a car by tapping into the automobile resource True Car or an auto comparison site for vehicle information. While technology and a collection of apps may not prevent an accident, technology could make the damages less severe.


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