Why the Internet of Things Will Change Daily Life More Than You Realize

It might sound rather fancy, but The Internet of Things is an idea that promises to connect our devices directly to other devices. It will incorporate non-machines into the equation to create an amazing network that Intel estimates to have 200 billion “things” by the year 2020. This means that the Internet of Things will change […]

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5 Ways to Show Potential Employers You’re a New Media Expert

New media is steadily becoming a larger and larger part of everyday life. Not only is it becoming the primary communication channel for a larger segment of the population, it is also increasingly becoming big business. Advertising dollars and e-commerce opportunities continue to grow on new media platforms, creating new jobs and new ways to […]

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Tweet for Cash: 6 Tips for Landing an Awesome Job as a Social Media Specialist

If you are a Twitter pro, a Pinterest queen, Instagram expert, or YouTube prodigy, you might consider turning your passion into a career. We now live in a world where you can get paid for tweeting, “liking”, and uploading—most businesses need a professional to monitor and manage their social media activity on several formats. Companies […]

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